Oil and gas industry
In the area of the oil and gas industry, the company FASEK specializes both in the delivery of equipment and in the provision of services such as regular and interventional maintenance, specialist pipeline maintenance services, and the protection of infrastructure facilities using special coatings.
Process industry
In the field of process industry, the company FASEK specializes both in the delivery of equipment and in the provision of services such as regular and interventional maintenance, specialist services related to flange connections and anti-corrosion protection of concrete and metal surfaces exposed to aggressive atmospheres.
Our services and solutions
Water supply and drainage systems
FASEK u svojoj ponudi ima široki program specijalnih rješenja za aktualne probleme u vodopskrbi i odvodnji; razradu tehnologija zahtjevnih sanacija s isporukom potrebne opreme i alata za izvođenje radova i popravke, premaze visokih performansi za zaštitu i sanaciju betonskih i metalnih površina izloženih agresivnoj atmosferi klorida, termoskupljajuću zaštitu naglavnih spojeva za dugovječnost brtvljenja i nepropusnost spojeva na cjevovodima.
The main activity of Fasek is related to the oil and gas energy sector. The daily work activities of the Fasek company consist of its own production of valve drives, as well as the distribution and technical support of equipment from reputable global manufacturers.
Your reliable partner for technical
development, investments and maintenance
Brojne reference stečene tijekom godina kod kupaca na tržištima s vrlo različitim tehničkim specifikacijama, primjenjivim propisima i tehničkom kulturom, donijele su FASEK-u reputaciju pouzdanog partnera; onog na kojeg se klijent može osloniti pri pravilnom definiranju tehnoloških potreba, koji odgovorno pristupa isporuci i izvođenju radova te daje sugestije za dugoročnija rješenja, koji prilagođava pristup svakom kupcu i svakom problemu ponaosob
FASEK doo was founded in 1992 as a daughter of FASEK ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION GmbH. The company was founded with the aim of operating in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The 30 years of the FASEK company on the Croatian market have been marked by technically precise and accurate, timely delivery of quality equipment for investment infrastructure projects in various branches of the economy; construction of transport and distribution gas and oil pipelines and facilities, construction of process plants, energy
For all equipment from the company's offer, according to the specific requirements of projects, processes and requirements, as well as internal regulations of investors, we provide professional support from the very beginning of project development. Over the years, our realized proposals have been recognized as high-quality solutions that made complex asset management easier for investors, saved them time and provided them with the necessary security and reliability in work processes.
Today, our clients turn to us with full confidence, looking for advice and suggestions for specific problems that they encounter in their daily business and operational activities, and thanks to the quality equipment that we produce, represent and distribute, as well as the quality support of all the clients we work with, we come with interactive communication to optimal solutions that are acceptable to clients from all technical and economic aspects, and at the same time are at the very top of world achievements.